Science & Manufacturing

We pride ourselves to be a solution-providing company that offers services to customers from research to design to delivery.

With the implementation of automation applications and vertical integration, we are the go-to one-stop solution provider for our clients.

The biggest disposable e-cigarette ODM/OEM Intelligent Manufacturer all over the world. And One-stop service provider

Precision in e-waste disposal is our commitment. Utilizing cutting-edge tools like Keenes Rapid Size Measuring, lithium battery containers, and viscometer, we uphold the highest standards of quality control.

By June 2022, our three-wire microphones boast a production capacity of 2000W units. Additionally, we are gearing up for simultaneous mass production of the six-wire + charging solution version and the air microphone + solution version.

Trust in our e-waste disposal expertise. We have many certifications, ensuring top-notch environmental responsibility and data security.